What is a Brand and the importance of a Branding Strategy?

So why do you really buy a brand? Is it because somebody asked you to buy it or is it because there is something in that brand that connects with you? Companies spend millions on branding, just so that when you see a product on the shelf, it should resonate with you and you will have no hesitations in buying it.

In the opinion of Firstcomm Marketing consultants, a brand is not a name, a... Read more »

How is Digital Marketing Revolutionizing Businesses?

We are driven by technology in today’s world. In everyone’s lives, the effect technology has generated such that there are individuals who lack essential services but own smartphones. It does not matter your lifestyle; at least one social media platform has been used by nine out of ten people.
Digital Marketing, which has a significant influence on people’s interactions, jobs, transactions, and lifestyle, comes with this. If you have a company, to optimize your brand... Read more »

Why is it imperative to choose the best Digital Media Agency Dubai?

Want to increase your online presence? Want to attract customers towards your brand? If your answer is yes… then you need to consider recruiting the right Branding & Digital media agency. Branding & Digital Marketing plays a pivotal role in any business or company. In this era of modernization and tech-savvy customers, every business is taking the initiative to adopt an acute digital marketing strategy to succeed in the marketplace. Therefore, it is imperative to... Read more »